My Overhead Table Top Tripod

Hello everyone!!  I’m here today with a tutorial on how I created my overhead table top tripod for my iPhone!!

I posted this picture:

Overhead Tripod

on Instagram the other day and everyone was totally amazed by it.  So I decided to create a little tutorial on how I made it.

Now I have to say, I was not the creator of this idea.  Sarah Shotts did a Periscope showing us how to put this overhead table top camera mount together.  She got the idea from Katie.

So props to these young ladies for sharing this idea with all of us!!!

Now let get to work!!

First you will need to go to either Home Depot, Lowes or any hardwood store that sells PVC pipes.

I went to Home Depot with my dad to buy all of the materials.

My dad and I take one

We picked up:

1 10 foot piece of 1/2 inch PVC pipe

2 1/2 inch PVC Caps

3 1/2 inch PVC 90 degree Elbows (slips, on threading)

2 1/2 inch PVC Tees (slips, no threading)

1 1/4 20 x 12 bolts


15/64 Drill Bit

Now I had to cut that 10 foot pvc pipe. Home Depot lets you cut the pipe yourself.

Cutting with a saw

Here are the sizes that I cut my pipes. They are based on the size of my desk:

2 11 inch pieces

2 10 inch pieces

1 13 inch piece

1 3 inch piece

PVC pipes pieces

After those cuts I was left with long piece, so I cut other pieces. I cut some longer pieces:

1 18inch piece

1 23 inch piece

I will use these interchangeable, depending on how high or low I want my camera to sit.

Ok, now lets put the tripod together:

Overhead Tripod 1

Putting this together is super doper easy. The pieces just slid right into the elbows and the tees with ease.  You can take it apart and travel with it as well.

Now on to assembling the actual camera mount:

I took a sharpie marker and placed a dot on the inside of the second tee.

Dot in the pipe

Then I took the drill and drilled a hole where you see that red dot.

PVC pipe with screw

Then I screwed the screw into that drilled hole.

Small camera mount

I bought this mini tripod from Amazon for my iphone last year but it to small so I just unscrewed the part that holes the camera.

Mounted on the PVC

I screwed that camera mount on to the screw and here you have it!!

Super doper easy and portable!!  That is the best part!!

Overhead Tripod

What do you think? Will you build one?  I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping by!



55 thoughts on “My Overhead Table Top Tripod

  1. Great job! I love this! I want to make one!! I have to figure out how to make the camera holder since I don’t have that tripod for iPhone (no iPhone, either).

  2. Absolutely brilliant! I definitely want to make one of these because I’ve been toying with the idea of starting to record videos, but don’t want to spend a bunch of money on equipment until I know whether or not I’ll enjoy it. This is a budget-friendly way for me to test the YouTube cardmaking waters. 🙂

  3. WOW – so cool to see a picture of you with your dad – AND this is such a helpful post – IF I ever decide to do videos you have shared a very practical and doable way to do them!! WOW – you are just SO COOL!!!! Thanks for always being an inspiration!!

  4. you should get some kind of big award for this genius idea. I have wanted to try this but didn’t want some big contraption over my craft desk. pvc pipe is so light. I have started using it for storage solutions and I just cant get enough. what a fabulous idea. i’m going to keep this and try it sometime soon. thank you so so much for sharing this with us!

  5. OK, so when will you be selling these?! Brilliant! You look awesome in Home Depot cutting PVC pipe…you go, girl! It was nice to see a picture of your dad — hope he is feeling good! Thanks for sharing such clear directions!

  6. Just wanted to thank you for these plans. Made mine today and am so very happy. I didn’t have the tripod you did, so I bought a selfie stick for just $10 and it works like a champ!

  7. Hahaha very smart and genuine idea. I over thought how to make myselff a 90 degree stand for my iphone to capture books and cards. But I never found as simple and as awesome as you did. So thank you and I will use your great idea to make one of it.
    Thank you sooooo much. Love this idea.

  8. how high up do you think you can go to and it still be stable? Wonder if you can remove the cord from the selfie stick so you can turn the camera/video off and on without having to stand up and accidentally move the positioning when you push the off button.

  9. Pingback: Homemade overhead tabletop tripod – Particular Creations

  10. Okay can I make one where u make your own phone holder the mount thing bc I doing want to buy one the break it just to make something else’s that’s dumb

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