National Coffee Day!!!

CoffeeLoversBloghopLogo-1024x682Hello everyone! I’m here today joining our friend Chaitali from Cuts, Crops and Creativity and her Coffee themed Blog Hop today.

We are celebrating National Coffee Day!!!  Prior to this hop, I had no clue there was an actual day for coffee.  How cute!!

Here is my card for today’s hop:

National Coffee Day

To create my card I used Sweet Stamp Shop Coffee Town Stamp Set.

Who doesn’t like a nice coffee house to spend some times with friends.  Here in NY, we have so many of those places in and around the city.

I have to admit I’m not a coffee drinker.  I am a (tea) lover.  Please do not yell at me but I just am.  So, to really get in the mood, I asked my mom, who loves her coffee a couple of questions about her obsession with her coffee mug in the morning.

1. When did you start drinking coffee?

I started drinking coffee a couple of years ago.  I’m not sure why it started but once I tried it I was hooked.

2. What is favorite brand?

My favorite brand, that is hard.  I really like McDonald’s coffee.  They really know how to make it right.  If I have to make it myself I like Starbucks Colombia Medium coffee.

3. What is the most amazing coffee that you had? Remember where and when?

LOL, I was at a dinner party with some friends in Jamaica, WI and we were served Blue Mountain coffee and it was to die for. That was about two years ago, which was the last time I was there.

4. If I don’t drink my needed coffee, I will…?

If I don’t drink my needed coffee, I will have a headache early in the morning.

Thanks mom, for accommodating me today.

So today’s blog hop comes with a bunch of giveaways today.  You don’t want to miss out on this fun event.  Check out all of the hop sponsors and prize packages.


To be eligible to win a prize, you have to link your post to the list anytime during the day up to 11:59pm PST.

It would be great if you could visit at least 3 other hoppers and comment on their post.

Have fun and make sure you have a mug of coffee beside you when you are hopping!!

To participate please do so here!

Before I go, I wanted to also share my Mug swap that I’m sending off to my surprise receiver!

Mug Swap

I hope she loves all of the coffee in this package!

Thanks for stopping by!



46 thoughts on “National Coffee Day!!!

  1. dear Kymona I know you must be making a wonderfull coffe card…
    I adore all
    the tiny coffee house there the color the big dots BG paper..all are making amazing coffee card Kymona..please dont answer here…I will hop to the next post from other lady 🙂 just visiting me back sweety my card is number 46 and I would be so thank you if you leave me some love back…big hugs…Monika

  2. Such a sweet giveaway for the mugswap!!! I want to give and receive 😛 I definitely am following the person you told me to follow! So I had a long day and I couldn’t wait to get home to play along. I love your card! Have you ever been to Radiance Tea House in the city? I always go! Now that I know you’re a tea person, we can meet there someday! 😀 Hope you’re feeling better!

  3. Awwwwww….I LOVE that Sweet Stamp Shop set! Awesome card! What a awesome Mom you have:) Super FUN card Kymona! P.S. I drink tea & coffee 🙂
    We’re thrilled to have Sweet Stamp Shop as one of our Super Sponsors! Thanks so much for linking up to the Coffee Lovers Blog Hop♡

  4. I love how awesome this card turned out!! Love the fun coffee shop with the lights on inside!! And I love that die cut – the swirly one! You have used it before and I have admired it!! Way to go on creating a FANTASTIC card!! Hugs to you, my friend!!

  5. Your card popped right out at me! Love it! Wasn’t the Hop fun? Looking forward to getting to know your work and you a bit more– I am your newest follower– and we have very similar websites!! 🙂 I’ll be back soon! xx

    • Hey Kate!! Nice to meet you. Thank you so much for your kind comment. I’m sorry it has taken me minute to respond, I’ve been on the go. I have some time right now so I’m trying to catch up on all of my comments. Yes, I visited your site and it is very similar. Thank you for following me. I’m following you now too!! That blog hop was super cool. It was really nice to see what people could come up with. Talk to you later.

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